Thursday, February 3, 2011


Day 13-A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Dear Owner of the Dirty Gray Honda,

I know I left you a note on your car, but I feel like a little more explanation is needed. You see we have had A LOT of snow this winter. Something like 50 some inches since Dec 26th. After every snow storm (all 7 of them) my husband and I have been outside shoveling the snow. Last Wednesday when we got 16 inches we spent an hour and a half shoveling both my reserved spot, my husbands spot and the empty spot beside my reserved spot. I knew with that 50+ inches of snow piled up I would no longer be able to maneuver my car in and out of my reserved spot since that 10 ft tall/10 ft wide snow bank was in my way. You can imagine why I was so upset when I came home to find your car parked partly in my spot and partly in the one next to mine. You don't live here... that much I know. I don't see your car everyday or during the weekends only some nights. I also know that you never have been parked here during on of the storms so you haven't helped shovel our parking lot (well if thats what you want to call those 6 spots in front of our condo.) I couldn't find a spot on the street (who can with all this snow.) So I had to take the chance of being towed and park in the medical parking lot. (I would have made you pay for my towing fees had I had them.) Anyways, my point is I was FURIOUS with you that night. Partly because you were kind of in my spot but also because I hate all this snow and I was tired from babysitting. The good news is they have come and removed the massive amounts of snow in our parking lot. Now that we have all 6 of our spots back I feel silly for being so upset. You can park beside me if you want. I won't actually key your car...

Owner of the Green Saturn

(The picture above is the massive mound of snow I mentioned and I was very happy to see it removed on Sunday. It has taken a serious stress of my shoulders. Especially since I'm the last one to get home at 9pm (after babysitting.))

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