Monday, February 7, 2011


Day 17-Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

You know I'm okay with my life actually. Sure it would be nice to have a little more money to spend on whatever my little heart wanted. It would be wonderful to live in a huge house that was professionally decorated to my taste. It would also be nice to be able to fly to see family whenever I wanted or travel to Europe or anywhere really when I felt like it. BUT then I don't think I'd be the same person. Sure maybe if Mike makes it big in the stock market and one day my life is like that you certainly won't see me complaining :) But for here and now I don't think I'd want to switch places with anyone. I LOVE my job, I have the best husband, I'm very comfortable with my living situation (place, apartment, ect.) I'm just at a good place in my life. I'm happy. Thats not to say that everything is perfect and I don't have things that bother me. I just don't let them get to me! So why change things around, even if it's just a day. I wouldn't want to miss out on anything in my own life!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I love you. Had to come announce that in a public forum. Thank you for your comment on my Sad Panda post. You were the bestie who sat with me and held my hand. The bestie that brought me flowers, and cried with me. I could not have done any of that without you. Not once did you ever say anything hurtful. Thank you for that. I love you.
