Sunday, October 24, 2010

Attack of the Killer Knife (A prelude to the Halloween season)

So this evening Mike and I were getting our respective dinners together (we had a bigger lunch this afternoon so we were scavengers for dinner.) Mike wanted to heat up some frozen meatloaf patties I had in the freezer. They were frozen together and between them was some wax paper he was determined to get off. I told him "Hunny, if you put it in the air cooker for 2 or 3 min it will de-thaw enough for you to pull them apart." So what did he do?? He put it in for one min. Then he impatiently took it out and starting cutting between them with a fillet knife. Since they had de-thawed slightly the amount of pressure he was putting on the knife sent it right through the meatloaf and into his thumb!! OUCH!

I love my husband very much, but if there is one weakness in him it is his intolerance to blood. As soon as he cut himself and saw the blood he stared to panic a little (an in all fairness there was a TON of blood.) He handled the pain very well and didn't cry (which I would have been doing.) So I wrapped a warm wet hand towel around the cut so he could compress it. He started shaking a little from all the blood that was coming out. I ran to call my dad (the doctor) to see how deep a cut needed to be to get stitched. I quickly realized that we would be making an impromptu trip the the ER rather than spend time with friends. I wasn't so sure poor Mike was even going to make it to the car. He had thrown himself to the floor in angst (seriously, he does not do well in these types of situations. He really almost pasted out)

By the time we got him to the hospital he was soaking wet with sweat ... literally the back of his hoodie was dark gray with sweat marks. The ER wasn't to bad. Kind of annoying was the fact the three people ahead of us were there for coughs and colds... I mean really can't it wait 16 hours till your doctors office opens? Anyways 2 hours, 4 stitches and a tetnis shot later we were at home triumphantly eating the meatloaf that had caused our evening adventure.
I think we left his finger to soak in this stuff for 1/2 hour.
Poor guy. He was in a lot of pain when they had to give him the localized anesthesia shot, that thing did not look like fun, AT ALL.
The bandage!
So maybe no basketball this Tuesday? We will see!


  1. Poor Mike! I am not good with blood either, just seeing these pics and reading about it makes my skin crawl.

  2. Aww.. poor thing! Hope his finger is nicely healing now!

  3. ahhh that looks painful!! Chris accidentally chopped my finger once with bush trimmers and it went all the way through my fingernail! But thinking about it...that probably saved me from getting stitches because the nail protected the rest of my finger. but I totally know the feeling... ouch!
