Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Goodbyes

Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to yet another set of good friends. Aubri and her husband Thomas are moving back to Oregon so he can go back to school. Naturally we needed to have some type of goodbye party for them. We invited about half the ward to our apartment last sunday night for an open house. Thankfully (only for space reasons) not everyone was able to attend and only about 40 people came (which is still a lot.) But it was a lot of fun! I love visiting with people I don't get to see as often. I think everyone else had a good time as well.

The dessert table (way to much food)
We set up the Wii in the second bedroom for the kids.
(And put the movie Cars on in the bedroom for the little ones)

Once a lot of the kids had gone home the guys took over the Wii and had some fun!
Some of the girls from the party
A few of the guys.

I was surprised at how many people the apartment fit without it feeling to crowded. I think we will have a few more of these just for fun.

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