Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ice Skating

The day after Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. I opted to do all of my Christmas shopping online this year verses going out into the crazy crowds. So instead of hitting the stores on friday we spent it doing fun things with family. We took a few of the nieces and nephews over to the skating rink in the morning. I learned that it is a lot harder to ice skate while holding a 3 year old than I ever thought. Luckily, they had some walker type things for the kids to use as they learned how to skate. It was fun, but I have to admit it's not my favorite activity, only because coordination and balance is something I lack. For that reason I'm confident that it takes a lot more effort for me to stay on my feet than other people. Regardless of the pain in my ankles and shins after being on skates for an hour and a half it was still a lot of fun. I loved watching my nieces and nephews gain some confidence on the ice and enjoy time with their cousins. A great substitute activity to shopping.

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