Sunday, July 14, 2013

Ready or not, here we go!

After 4 and a half year of marriage Mike and I decided we were ready to add some little ones to our family. I stopped taking BC in January, a new years resolutions of sorts I guess. Get Pregnant was my goal for 2013. We both figured it would take several months so we weren't going to stress about it. We would just let natural run its course. The last week of April I was standing in front of my class and I was hit by this wave of exhaustion and nausea. I sat down and still felt this weird feeling in my stomach. My stomach felt sick, but the rest of my body was fine. It was very strange. I was also very tired, but that's not really a new thing. Then I had this thought pop into my mind, "I think I'm pregnant!" I had been tracking all the things the doctors want you to track when you are thinking of getting pregnant so I knew it was a possibility, but I wasn't due for my period for 2 more weeks. It seemed to early to be having symptoms. So I tried to pass it off as a stomach bug. I didn't mention it to Mike though. I wanted to surprise him with the good news {assuming I was really pregnant} in a "cute" way. So I kept it all to myself. Fast forward two week and I was ready to take a pregnancy test. I still had no appetite and  was not feeling like myself, but now I was running to the ladies room to relieve myself every 30 min. I took a test Sunday morning and it was neg. I took one again on Mon morning, still neg. I told myself not to get my hopes up I might be making it all up. So I didn't take one Tuesday morning. However, by Tuesday night I couldn't help myself and took another. This time I saw the faintest pink line!!! I started jumping up and down, then cried, then dropped to my knees to say a prayer of Thanks to Heavenly Father. I immediately started praying for the baby to develop properly and that I would have a healthy pregnancy (something we always prayed for when my mom was pregnant.) Mike walked in the door 10 min later. I wanted to tell him right away, but I still was nervous the line wasn't dark enough. I also didn't want to cheapen the surprise moment I had been planning for him. So I kept it to myself and went off to a girls night. Again, I wanted to spill the beans, but I kept the excitement to myself. I had a digital pregnancy test at home for "confirmation" purposes and decided to use it on Wed morning, just to be sure. It read "pregnant" in under a minute. It was official. I was pregnant! And I somehow needed to keep it to myself until Friday night when I could set my plan for Mike into motion. Longest 3 days of my life!!

Wednesday morning before work, after I had just confirmed my suspicions to be correct.

1 comment:

  1. There's almost nothing more exciting than seeing those two pink lines! So exciting!!!
