Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm THANKFUL for my health...

There has been a lot of talk about the H1N1 flu this year. Flurries of e-mails regarding free clinics distributing the vaccine to this particular flu strain. Then there is a debate on whether or not this is a safe vaccine yada yada yada. As I listen to the different thoughts surrounding this topic it has caused me to reflect on my own health. I have been so blessed over the past 10 years at lease to really never be too sick. I mean once or twice I didn't feel well and missed a day of school/classes. But I never was really sick. Last year I spent a total of a little over a month taking care of sick kids (the ones I nanny.) I was fortunate enough never to become ill from tending to them. Mike even got sick and I stayed healthy. It has been a huge blessing for me to remain health. It has allowed me to study, work and take care of the things that I need to get done. Not to mention skipping the whole feeling like death thing. So today that is what I am Thankful for, my continual health. May it continue over the up and coming flu season.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I know what you mean! I think good health is something that I for sure take for granted. It's such a blessing!
