Sunday, January 13, 2013

Belated Christmas Card

This was my first year of including a little letter in our card. We were receiving Christmas cards from our friends from college or that have moved away from CT. They were cute but a lot of them said nothing about what they were up to. I found myself wishing there was more to it than just the darling pictures. I wanted an update. So I decided maybe some of our friends and family members we don't see as often may want the same from us. It took a while to figure out what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it. I know from experience the long letters with multiple paragraphs usually get tossed in the trash after only being read half way. I thought I was pretty clever to come up with two sections, "Whats new" and "The Stills." I tried to be brief and stick to the most important things, with the least amount of words. I thought it turned out nice for my first letter. So if you aren't on my Christmas card mailing list, or your card go lost in the mail or returned to us here is the Jenson Family's 2012 Christmas Letter....


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