Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fortune Cookies

I've imagined the day I would tell Mike we were expecting for years. How I would tell him, what his reaction would be, would he cry, ect. When we started trying to have kids I created a secret pinterest board and started collecting ideas for how I wanted to tell him. I didn't love any of them though. Then one day an idea hit me and I knew that was what I wanted to do, so right then and there I set my plan into motion. Not even knowing that I was technically already pregnant.

I wrote the following poem and stuck it on the wall in our room to ask him on a date for Friday night. I recognize I'm not a poet, but its the best I could do in the little time I had.

To my dearest,

I'm sure you may know, I hate this time of year,
It makes me quit sad when you are not near.
Leaving home early and returning so late
I may not recognize you at this fast rate. 

So I have made a decision, one you can't refuse
Friday night will be mine. Here are some clues,
Be home promptly by 7:45,  as timing is key
And please look nice, my darling sweet pea.

No need to eat a large lunch at noon
Or the timing of things will be inopportune.
I love you my dear and I hope I've been concise
I promise it will be well worth your studies sacrifice!

Love you,
Keesh Cakes

That night we went to dinner at P.F. Changs. I was bursting to tell him, but still I kept quiet. After our appetizer the server brought out a plate of fortune cookies. I tried to nonchalantly get Mike to open one, but he didn't care to. So I had to keep waiting. It was hard to focus and have a meaningful conversation when all I wanted to do was tell him the good news. He even made the comment that his friend and coworker, McKay, had predicted I was going to tell him that I was pregnant. Since the CFA is in 3 weeks he thought it was odd that Mike was leaving the office so early (7:30.) I had to laugh at that one. Since Mike complained that he was already pretty full I knew he wouldn't be the one to make the first move for the fortune cookies, so I had to take action. I told him we needed to read our fortunes. My stomach was doing flips with excitement. When he read the fortune it said.... "You're going to be a Daddy!!"

Now this is the funny part. As I mentioned I had imagined this moment A LOT, but NEVER did I imagine it like this. He started laughing and the conversation went as follows

Mike: "This is to funny, I have to send this to McKay." 

Kristin thinks to herself : "Wait! What? He finds out he is going to be a dad and the first thing he wants to do is text a friend? He doesn't want to kiss me, or ask when we're due? He just wants to text his friend.?" 

Kristin: (a little defensively) "You see something like that and you don't want to say anything to me, the first person that comes to your mind is McKay?" 

Mike: Yeah, it's funny.

Kristin thinks: He doesn't realize I'm making an announcement, I start laughing uncontrollably.

Kristin: Mike! This is a customized fortune, I put these here!

Mike: No way, your joking...

Kristin: (scrolling through my phone for picture of positive pregnancy test) No, For real. I'm pregnant. See here is the proof.

Que server coming over to our table to pack up our left over dinner.  Poor guy.

Mike: Are you serious? Wait. What? {dazed and confused face.} But that was so fast. Are you kidding me?

Kristin: Yes, I am kidding. Happy April fools day in May. Of course I'm not kidding. I'm pregnant. 

Mike: But we just started trying, it doesn't happen that fast, does it?

Que pregnancy hormones

Kristin: You sound like your not even happy about this. *tears* I didn't think this is how you would react.

Mike: {Laughs}Of course I'm happy, I'm just in shock. I wasn't expecting is. Are you crying? Are those pregnancy hormones already? 

Kristin: I don't know. I guess I just worked really hard to make this special and I wasn't expecting you to take it this way. {realizes shes acting ridiculous now, but can't help it!}

Mike: {Comes over to sit next to me and kisses me} I am happy, really happy. I just am in shock. I love the way you told me, this is great!

Kristin: *sigh* *smile* "Good!"

Then I finally got to tell him all the details and share in my excitement with someone. Right away he wanted to start making phone calls and telling people. I told him he wasn't aloud and that I wanted to make sure everything was okay before we started to tell people. BUT that I would make one exception to the rule. We could tell Jeff and Camille (his Sister and Brother-in-law.) We had been planning to try and get pregnant around the same time. They are due at the end of September so we wanted to let them know that we delivered on our end of the deal.

 After dinner we walked into Barnes and Noble. I wanted to buy our baby (that feels weird to say still) a book. I love a good reason to buy a book. We decided on a sentimental board book for Baby Jenson.

When we got home we facetimed with Jeff and Camille and their reaction was about the same as Mikes, disbelief and then excitement. The babies will be about 4 months apart. They are expecting a boy so now Mike is even more set that this little one has to be a boy. I've always said I would be sad if I had a boy first but now I really don't care and will be just as thrilled with whatever it is!

After the phone call Mike wanted to tell more people. He wanted me to call my mom and tell her right away, but I told him absolutely not! I didn't want to cheapen it with a random 10:30 phone call. The final activity of the evening was watching "What to Expect When Your Expecting." I have been waiting to watch it till the night I told Mike we were expecting. It was the perfect way to end the evening, cuddling and laughing! What a fantastic evening!!