Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Cure

I'm not the Debbie Downer type. But I do feel like its ok to have bad days very once in a while. Days when it's best if people just leave you a lone because talking to you, looking at you or even breathing to loudly around you will irritate you to no end. I had a day like that the other day. Luckily it was my free afternoon. So I decided I was going to shirk my responsibilities and do a few things for "me!" I stared the afternoon with a mani/pedi, which was lovely. Then I went to the mall to pick up my sweet new TIffany Co. Sunglasses that just happened to match my nails perfectly. Then I went to pick up my dinner from Cosi. I'm in love with their tomato basil soup and margarita flatbread, yumm!! Then I went home and ate my dinner on the couch while I watched gossip stories about celebrities. I decided not to lift a finger to clean the house (even though it needed it and my in-laws are coming tomorrow.) Then I opted out of my nightly work out routine and went to bed... At 8:15, before the sun had fully set. And when I woke up this morning I was so glad that was how my afternoon went. Because if I would have done all the things I needed to do and went to bed late... I would have had another bad day. So I'm making a resolution to find time for myself. Like a lot of others I rarely so things for myself, and I think it's unhealthy. So here's to my mid-month resolution. May it be the cure to the rest of my bad days. Only 2 more weeks of school for the year.... I can do this!!

1 comment:

  1. I have days like that all the time! Hope you have a fun weekend!
