Sunday, October 7, 2012

General Conference Weekend: The Physical Nourisment

 AKA: The Food

I love General Conference weekend for several reason. One of those reasons is the food. Since conference is right in the middle of the day on Saturday (12pm-2pm and 4pm-6pm) I usually stay home most of the day. I take this day at home as a chance to try out a new recipe or two. The timing was perfect. This week I finally got the hang of pinterest (I know I'm a little behind.) I searched for desserts, soups, baby shower ideas (I have 4 friends pregnant and expecting with in 45 days of each other,) and so much more. There were a few recipes I knew I wanted to try. All in all it was a very tasty weekend.

Friday night is usually Mike and I's date night so I rarely cook dinner. This is nice since most of the time I am pretty tired by the time Friday night comes around. This Friday we started our date night with a trip to Greenwich for the Vineyard Vines sample sale. I was a little overwhelmed with all the boxes to dig through and only found 2 things that I loved in my size. Lucky for Mike they had a lot of things in his size. He got a few gold shirts, a few polos, a few pairs of shorts and a really nice sweater. He was so happy with his purchases (and the low prices he paid for them) you would have thought he was a girl.

After the sale we went to our usual date night spot, Bedford St. in downtown Stamford. We decided on Remo's since we hadn't eaten on their new patio area yet. It was a beautiful night to be outside and the food was delicious (as always.) After pizza we walked down the street for frozen yogurt at 16 handles. I love that place, it probably isn't good that we have such easy access to it. I think we go at least once a week, it's that good. It was a great date night, with great food to start off conference weekend.

Saturday morning I babysat one of my friends little girls while they moved into their new place and Mike studied. She picked up her daughter just in time for me to start conference. What a great session!
After conference was over I made a soup from a recipe I found on pinterest. It was called "Taste like lasagna soup." The name did it justice, it tasted like lasagna and was delicious!! Mike loves that I have been trying all these new recipes lately, we usually just sit at the table and rave about how good the meal is.

After dinner Mike and I went our separate ways. Mike went off to the priesthood session and I went out with some girlfriends to 16 handles for frozen yogurt, yes for the second night in a row....

Sunday morning we slept in since we both went to bed pretty late. When I finally got to the kitchen I made my favorite breakfast casserole, pumpkin pie french toast and some buttermilk syrup to go with it. Holy cow! It was delicious. Thank you pinterest yet again for two delicious recipes. I think they will be added to my favorite breakfast food list. We got breakfast eaten and cleaned up just in time to watch the first session of conference.

Between sessions I was busy in the kitchen getting things ready for dinner. I put a chicken with veggies in the over, made homemade applesauce and apple crisp (using the apples we picked last week.) My house smelled so good as we watched the second session of conference.

I'd say dinner was a big hit. We had our friends that moved this weekend over for dinner. I knew they wouldn't be able to unpack everything in time to cook a good meal so I had them join us. Even with the 4 of us eating this delicious apple crisp there is still over three quarters of the pan left. So if anyone would like some... come on by and I will share with you :)

What a deliciously tasty weekend. I am looking forward to April when conference weekend rolls around again.

1 comment:

  1. You are good! I made dinner and that was about it. I was unprepared! Oh well:) maybe next year I'll utilize Pinterest and whip up something more impressive!
