Friday, May 21, 2010

My First 5K

So the big race was last Thursday (my dads 50th birthday.) I was so nervous for it all day long. I have had a ton of problems with my shin splints and have walked more days than I have run. So I knew I could finish but my expectations for time weren't to high. I thought I could do it in 45 min. The important thing was I finished with out injuring myself. My friend Aubri who I signed up for the race with had some medical issues and was not allowed to even walk the race with me so I was on my own.
Mike was a sweetheart and brought his CFA book to the race so he could support me in my race and study at the same time. It was so great to have some moral support there to encourage me that I could really do this. Keep in mind-- I DON'T RUN... not until now at least.
Do you like how determined I look here?
Also having never done a race before I had no idea how to line up. It took me forever to get out on the course because I ended up closer to the back.
I felt a tiny bit lonely while we were lined up waiting to go and I was all alone. I have learned one thing and that is running is a social sport. (Note to self get multiple people to run the next race with me)
The race was only 3 miles a lot of people can bang that out no problem but it was really hard for me. The course did a big loop around my apartment complex. As I was getting close to finishing the first mile I could see it beyond the trees. Thought of failure crept into my mind and I just wanted to run home relax on the couch... But I kept going. The next 1/2 mile was up a really steep hill. At this point I walked a lot. My jogging speed was slower than my walking speed. It was also good to catch my breath a little. The next 3/4 of a mile was down hill which I was planning on being really easy. I had no clue how much you have to pace yourself so you don't start rolling down. As the finish line started to become a reality my feet burned and my shins were screaming at me-- but I had to keep going. I passed my good friend Lindsey's house. She and another one of our friends (Tina, whose husband was also doing the race) were outside cheering me on. It was just the boost I needed.
These than a few minutes later I could see the finish line. I saw Mike standing on the side and cheering me on. It felt good. I was is the zone and I was going to finish.
As I approached the finish line I could barley believe the what time the clock read. 35:38. I finished the race in 10 min less than what I thought I could. I could have cried. I actually almost did. That was the hardest thing I've ever done up to that point and I did it. I overcame my shin splints (although they hurt for days.) I overcame my social anxiety of running it alone and I overcame the urge to give up and go home. I was a hero to myself!
Oddly enough, after it was all said and done I wanted to go do it all again (on a different day of course, my body was done for that day.) I'm hoping to improve my time and do another race at home with my family over the 4th of July. It will just be another 5k for now. We'll see how my shins hold up. I'd love to do a 10k this fall and hopefully I'll be able to talk on the 1/2 marathon at Disney this coming march! All I know is that was finishing that race was one of the greatest feelings I've ever had and I would love to do it again :)


  1. Great job!! I didn't used to like running either. Then I started out with a 5K just like you...and now I'm on to a Marathon!! I seriously never thought I would be able to do this, but training with a friend really helps. I'm not a fast runner, but just accomplishing a goal and finishing something feels great!

    Thanks for your inspiration!

  2. Super congratulations Kristin! That is a huge accomplishment & you did it!! It's kind of addicting, isn't it?! And I agree with social running - it's so much more fun!

  3. I'm so flippin' proud of you!!! Next time, I won't have dumb medical issues, and I'll be able to run with you!

  4. Way to go!! I'm sure it feels good just to finish one of those, let alone finish faster than you thought you could. Like I think I said before, running and I have a love-hate relationship. I would maybe look into training for one if I had a running buddy, though. Too bad you are thousands of miles away.
